Wednesday 10 July 2013

kanchanaburi, koh tao and koh phangan

Where to start....lots has happened simce my last post (some good and some not so good). We spent our last day in Kanchanaburi at the Erawan Falls, which were very beautiful. Then it was back to Bangkok so that we could make pur way down to the islands. Unfortunately while waiting in Bangkok to begin our overnight bus journey I began to feel sick. We considered stsyong a night in Bangkok but decided it would be better to get the long journey over and done with. The journey was not ideal as I threw up many times throughout it....! Once we arrived in Koh Tao I was feeling a bit better and thankfully we were staying in a lovely bungalow (at Woodlawn Villas) which was the ideal place to rest up and try to get better. We had a pool here which was a nice luxury! We were staying in the Chalak bay area of Koh Tao but as Koh Tao is quite small we could easily explore other areas too. Although the sickness had stopped I proceeded to get an upset stomach, which lasted most of the time we were in Koh Tao - annoyingly!! We did still manage to have some good times though, such as going on a longtail boat to some other bays where we could snorkell and exploring Sairee beach on our last evening. We are now in Koh Phangan and I am feeling much better. We are staying in another little bungalow and have enjoyed being beach bums today! Our bungalow is right by the beach! We had manicures/pedicures this afternoon too and we have arranged to do a cooking course tomorrow. We are here for 5 nights so can really relax here and get to know the area well.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

First few days in Thailand!

Me and Alison have been in Thailand for a couple of days now. Our flight was fine apart from the fact that Alisons bag didn't arrive....! Luckily it arrived yesterday though! Yesterday wwe went to Siam Square and the MBK centre for some shopping in Bangkok. Then we spent the evening on the Khoa San road. Today we travelled to Kanchanaburi which took around 2 hours. Where we are staying here is really nice, we are staying in a cute bungalow. We managed to do quite alot this afternoon. First we had a dip in the pool just behind our bungalow. After that we headed to the bridge over the river kwai, then we went to a war museum, had a wander round some market stalls / shops and then had a foot massage. Kanchanaburi is a bigger town than I expected, although it's quite quiet. Lots of empty bars and restaraunts about. It's nice and relaxing after busy Bangkok though! The river is really pretty too! I've juat had a nice pad thai for dinner and Al had a red thai curry. tomorrow we're hoping to go to the Erawan falls, which is a 7 tiered waterfall. Will try to write again soon!