Monday 8 August 2011


It's our last day in Bangkok (for now anyway) and we are off to Koh Tao tonight. Getting a bus and then an express boat. Leaving at 6pm and get to Koh Tao at about 10.30am tomorrow morning. Hoping to do some snorkelling there! Have enjoyed Bangkok alot more than I thought I would. Yesterday we jumped in a tuk tuk and went to the Grand Palace, arrived too late to go inside, but was pretty impressive from the outside anyway! Then we wandered around a market and I got a tarot card reading (apparently I'm going to make lots of money when I'm older). There were lots of celebrations going on for the queens birthday, which is on the 12th. We got hair braids (like I used to get when I was about 10) and big baggy, bright trousers, so we look like proper travellers now - ha. Shell is thinking of getting her hair braided later today. Night life is good here too, spent last night chatting to some American guys, went to a roof top bar and a reggae bar. Will try to update again soon!

One of our first tuk tuk rides:


  1. Wow!Sounds like you are having a great time and have settled in to the lifestyle already. You must post a picture of you in your harem pants. Pleased to hear you are going to make lots of money in later life. What's the food like? Is it very hot? Great to hear your news.

    Love Mum

  2. Yes we are! Have just put up a new post about Koh Tao for you to read. Will try to put up a couple of pictures at some point. The food is nice, street food in bangkok was so cheap but nice and the restaraunts were nice in koh tao too.. not too difficult to find veggie food! It is pretty hot yes! There is sometimes rain for about 10 minutes at a time, which is quite nice as it clears the air. How are you? What is the latest news on the riots? Love Em xxx

  3. haha Reggae bar ... standard Ems! sounds amazing :) x

  4. Well the hair braiding turned out to be hilarious!!! xxx
