Friday 5 August 2011

Leaving today !!!

Today has finally arrived, it has come round quicker than expected! Our flight leaves at 11.15pm ..... such a mix of emotions! Have pre-booked our accomodation for the first two nights in Bangkok! (At £3.79 a night I hope its ok!) We'll be staying right in the backpacker district, just off the famous Khao san road. Only really have one full day and then another half day in Bangkok so won't get to see too much of it, but will be there again at the end of the trip too. Will probably just spend our time getting used to the culture, and wondering around a few shops! If we have time to go then the Golden Palace looks good. Bye for now, next time I update on here who knows where I could be! Will try to update whenever I manage to get on the internet.

Me and Michelle at the airport:

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