Sunday 14 August 2011

Koh Samui / Koh Phangan

On our second day in Koh Samui we went to see the Big Buddha, which was pretty impressive in size! Then we got our ferry to Koh Phangan. We're here for four nights, staying a little away from where all the partying goes on, our hostel is nice and clean. We went out the first night and then we went out again last night for the full moon party. I have to say the first night was probably better than the full moon itself. Koh Phangan is a fun place to be around the full moon but the actual party has a few too many people for my liking and the music wasn't brilliant, but it was still an experience! When else would you go to a beach party with 1OOO's of people, so I'm still glad we went! The company was good too, we went with two english girls and two german girls, so it was fun to chat to them. Today I think we're just going to head to the beach as haven't woken up too early! But hopefully will do a bit more with our day tomorrow.

Big Budha in Koh Samui:

Full moon party:

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