Thursday 29 December 2011


Doing University work and all I want to do is fly away somewhere...................

“Travelling is like flirting with life. It’s like saying, ‘I would stay and love you, but I have to go; this is my station."

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Copy of Morocco Trip Itinerary

This summer I am going on a 3 week trip, called ' Moroc N Roll' with my friend Rosie, here is the ininerary: 

Trip 2 - July 10th - 30th

Chefchaouen – Driving up into the Rif Mountains we hit Chefchaouen – an amazing little town that doesn’t really become visible until you are upon it, hidden in the mountains, westerners only first visited this place as recently as 1920 or so. An incredibly chilled out village with great views – a perfect way to unwind at the end of the trip or a great introduction if you’re doing the trip the other way round.
There is also a magical day trip to ‘Paradise’ – a series of waterfalls and plunge pools up in the mountains where we clamber over the rocks and through the water to find the natural Arch in the gorge at the top – ‘God’s Bridge’. Staying at the Hotel Ibn Batouta in the centre of the old town’s cobbled streets for 3 nights.
Here also lives the legend of ‘Ozman’……….

The ‘MONKEY FOREST’ – Heading down through the Rif Mountains ,and over the first of the Atlas range of mountains that divide Morocco we spend a niht camping with the wonderfully hospitable Nomads on the banks of a lake or the option of staying in the Forest with a campfire high up in the middle Atlas is also there – where Monkeys live and - if you’re lucky - will take food from your hands – and your hand itself if you’re very unlucky………..but that hasn’t happened yet !!!!

Erfoud and the Sahara. – A breathtaking drive through palm green Oasis valleys and desert landscapes sees us arriving at the desert kingdom of Erfoud on the other side of the mighty Atlas mountains in the afternoon. Here we stay at a small hotel in the centre of town.
After a relaxing night, the next morning and afternoon are spent either exploring the interesting market town of Erfoud, or, more likely, lounging by the swimming pool - as the weather may be a bit hot by now! We set off, with the bus going off-road, for the Sahara at around 4pm to spend an unforgettable night out on the sand dunes. A hotel is built right out on the edge of the dunes where we can cook and get refreshments (and sleep if you prefer it to the dunes!) before the caravan of camels appear late in the evening to take you on the final part of the journey into the desert itself!

Todra Gorge – a couple of hours further on is the magnificent Todra Gorge, with its ‘lost cities’ and huge palmeries this is a very different but nevertheless as beautiful an area as any seen so far. Staying at a beautiful hotel complex in the Gorge itself complete with swimming pool! Rock climbing is an option here with professional guides and all equipment and ropes supplied. 2 hours - £15.
Or there is also a stunning walk through the palmeries for free for those not wishing to scale the cliff faces!

Ait Benhaddou – ‘Gladiator’ Film Set. – Next stop is Ait Benhaddou – home of the oldest and most famous Kasbah in Morocco. The setting of numerous Hollywood films including: ‘Gladiator’, ‘The Mummy’, ‘Sahara’, ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ and many more. Staying at a hotel near the Kasbah itself – look out for the huge film studios and the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ set still standing out in the desert on the way into Ourzazate the next day.

Marrakech and Toubkal. - This is Marrakech.....One of the most vibrant and exciting cities in the world. We stay at Hotel Ali with an amazing view from the roof top, where you’ll sleep, right over one of the most famous squares in the world The ‘Jemma el Fna’ full of snake charmers, acrobats, musicians, story tellers as well as a huge open air restaurant at night where you can sample as mush as you please of Morocco’s cuisine.
Get lost in the maze of markets shopping (or Haggling!!) for carpets, bags and jewellery or even the odd chameleon. Take a horse and carriage ride around the old city. Or take a trip to the new town full of bars, clubs and all the trappings of the west. After a night here the Mountaineers among us will head out of the mayhem to the serenity of the High Atlas Mountains to climb Toubkal (at 14,000 ft the highest mountain in the whole of North Africa) – Be warned - this is no picnic!!! It takes 2 days and a night to get to the top – the night spent at base camp will be bitterly cold, rising at 6am to summit and get back to Marrakech all in the same day!!! Worth it though. The views are awesome!!!!! (Toubkal Trek – £35 includes all food and mountain guides for 2 days as well as mules to carry your luggage)
Those of you not up for Toubkal can spend your time at Marrakech’s only Aqua park waiting lazily for us to return.

Cascades D’Ouzoud - 150 km North-East of Marrakech lie the majestic and stunningly beautiful 150ft waterfalls that are the Cascades d’Ouzoud. The highest and certainly most spectacular falls in the country they are well off the beaten track and far from any real ‘civilisation’. We’ll be staying in a campsite overlooking the falls but over 600 steps down from the top where the bus will be parked – so don’t forget anything….it’s a long walk up in the dark!

Essouaria –. a beautifully chilled surfing town on the beach known as ‘Windy city’. It’s big on Surfing and more particularly - ‘Wind-surfing’ and ‘Kite-Surfing’. Prices are a lot cheaper than in Europe if you want to try your luck at either of these or simply hire some gear and improve your already honed skills. Quad-biking or horse-riding on the beach are also both popular extra-curricular activities here.
Jimi Hendrix wrote ‘Castles in the sand’ whilst living here and you can see the ruin on the beach and go round to his old house if you’re that way inclined.
Staying in one huge apartment together in town.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Back in Bangkok

Today we decided to start our day like the Thai people do and get a taxi boat down the river. Then we hopped off and wandered around a market and a shopping plaza. Then it only seemed right to head back to Khao San road, something about it feels quite homely to us now! We each bought the last few things we wanted to buy and then had some street food for dinner. We're going to head back to our hotel now and chill on the comfy sofas for a bit before getting an early night! We have a taxi booked for 3.30am tomorrow to take us to the airport to go home.

So here it is my last blog entry, until I go travelling again anyway, who knows where that could be....! I'm thinking maybe more of Asia, South America or Australia hmmmmm....

I'm definately going to miss the food, the smoothies, the people we've met, the places we've been, the little bungalows we've stayed in, the beach, how cheap everything is and the constant excitement of going to new places. I definately won't miss being asked if I want a tuk tuk, a cyclo, a taxi, a motorbike, where I'm going, where I'm from or if I want to buy cigarettes, chewing gum, cold drinks or souvenirs.

Lots of love to any friends and family who've been following me and I'll see you all very soon! And thanks to Michelle for some amazing adventures. Bye for now. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday 12 September 2011

Ho Chi Minh

We got a day bus from Nha Trang to Ho Chi Minh (otherwise known as Saigon), unfortunately we only had one night there but we got up early the next day and went to the War Remnants Museum in the morning. Apparently the Chi Chi tunnels used in the war are well worth a visit too but we just didn't have time. The museum had some horrific photos in it but it really brings home how bad the war was and was definately worth going to. On our taxi ride home the meter was obviously faulty as it kept jumping up in random amounts, so our taxi ride was already more expensive than it should have been but we couldn't be bothered to argue. I handed him a 200 note (worth about 6 pound 50), needing 100 change and he claimed I only gave him a 20, the cheek of it! Anyway we argued for some time but he wasn't having any of it so Michelle grabbed the 20 note out of his hand and we got out of the taxi. I've been waiting for something like that to happen the whole trip! Arrrgh annoying but I couldn't help but think atleast it's something to write about in my blog....! Then we got our flight back to Bangkok. We're staying in a really nice hotel, it was 12 pound 50 a night so even though it's not alot its about 3 X what we've paid everywhere else, so it seems pretty luxury to us. One last day in Bangkok today and then home time tomorrow!

Saturday 10 September 2011

Nha Trang

We met a deutch girl and two english guys in a bar a couple of nights ago and spent yesterday with them. We went to Vinpearl - Vietnams equivalent to thorpe park. You get over to the island on a 15 minute cable car. We went on the water slides, went to the aquarium, spent time on the beach and watched a 4D film, all in all a fun day with good people! We then had dinner and drinks with them last night too.

Gettting a day bus today to Ho Chi Minh and staying there one night before we fly back to Bangkok, so little time left!

Two photos of our time in Nha Trang:

Thursday 8 September 2011

Hoi An > Nha Trang

Had such a nice day yesterday in Hoi An. We definately chose the right place to do a cooking course! It cost us 15 dollars each. First the chef walked us around the local market for about an hour, telling us about all the different types of food. Then we went back to the restaraunt and we made spring rolls, tofu salad, sweet and sour vegetables and eggplant with an onion and tomato sauce. I was particularly proud of my spring rolls and the swans we made out of tomatoes to go with the tofu salad! Then we spent a couple of hours chilling in a garden cafe, with yet another smoothie mmmmm. Next we went to our tailoring appointments. I love my red coat, it fits perfectly, is very warm and I finally have a winter coat with a hood. The boots are a bit tight on the legs but I think they will stretch once I wear them a few times. Michelle is happy with her dress and shoes too.

The food market:

Me in our cooking class:

Our night journey to Nha Trang was fine and there was no loud music this time, which is always a plus! A 12 hour journey now seems pretty short compared to other journeys we've done. We arrived at 6am, found our 4 dollar each a night hotel and had showers. It's 9am now, just waiting for Michelle to finish getting ready and then we'll go for breakfast. Then I think the plan is to go to the beach and possibly check out some mud baths.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Halong Bay / Hoi An

We booked Halong Bay through Hanoi backpackers so it was all young people on the boat. Would have liked to have done 2 nights, 3 days but only had enough time to do 1 night, 2 days. There were 31 people on the boat so over the 2 days we spoke to a fair few of them! On the first day we got on to the 'Jolly Rogger' and had lunch (which was delicious) , then we checked in to our rooms. We got some time to jump off the boat and swim, luckily I didn't see any jellyfish. Then we kayaked (yes me I kayaked) and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, having kayaked only once before with guides! We kayaked over to a cave and had to crawl through in the dark, stupidly me and Michelle were both wearing flip flops. At the end of the cave there was a fresh water pool. Apparently reminence of pre historic man have been found in some of the caves. Then we kayaked back, which was a work out and a half but we got back in the end. Then we had a shower and had dinner (again delicious). After dinner we chilled up on the top deck, then the drinking games began....... The usual ring of fire was replaced by dragon of fire and the rules were slightly worse. Then we spent the rest of the night drinking, dancing and chatting, spending most of our time with two posh 18 year old boys (who made me feel extremely old), a Canadian girl and 2 girls from New Zealand. Lots of people stayed up till 5am but seeing as we had to get up at 7am the next day I decided to hit the hay at 2am and get a few hours sleep. The next day we chilled on the deck and travelled back to Hanoi.

Two photos of Halong Bay:

We had some dinner and then thought we were getting a pick up to go to our night bus, infact they sent two motorbikes, no helmets and expected us to get on with our backpacks! In Hanoi, are you serious? We eventually managed to get a free car to the bus, I think the man was a bit annoyed with me seeing as he shouted ''free taxi'' in my face. The night bus was more comfortable than the last one and not as long, so was ok. They still insisted on playing the tv very loudly at the beginning, and even put flashing green and red rave lights throughout the bus, but it didn't go on for too long so we got some sleep. We then had to get a bus from Hue to Hoi An and ended up paying an extra 4 dollars because we couldn't find the bus we were meant to be on, seeing as they dropped us at a random hotel and not the bus station it was a bit difficult.

We found a nice hotel in Hoi An for 6 dollars each a night and there's even a pool. We've been hassled quite a bit in Hoi An and again theres alot of motorbikes, but apart from that it seems nice! Shame we only have time to stay for 1 night.I went a bit over budget today and got a red coat and brown boots tailored, Hoi An is famous for it! I decided it was ok as I need to buy them anyway for winter in Leeds. Together they cost 70 dollars, so just over 50 pounds, tomorrow we go to pick them up so hopefully they fit well! We are also doing a cooking class tomorrow before getting ANOTHER night bus to Nha Trang.

Sunday 4 September 2011


Hanoi is crazyyyyyyyyy! Everyone said the traffic was bad but didn't expect it to be this bad. Nearly got run over about 100 times today. Motorbikes everywhere!

Had a wonder around Hanoi this morning and accidentally bought a couple more dvds, I can't help myself! They are about 80p each! Had a lovely passionfruit smoothie, possibly the best one of my trip (and I've had alot!) Just wondered around the city and got a feel for the place. You get hassled quite alot here.

Manged to skype Mum and Dad which was really good and the internets free here which is a plus. Then we went to a bbq up on the roof top of our hostel, which was cool.

This evening we went to a 'water puppet show'. At first we attempted to walk there but after nearly getting run over many times we jumped in a cyclo! It's a bike with a seat on the front. Michelle took a video of the traffic from the cyclo of us winding through the traffic and it gives a good jist of how crazy it is. The puppet show was actually really good! Very cleverly done and funny to watch. A nice chilled evening.

At 8am tomorrow we go on our Halong Bay boat trip, so think we will get another early night. We get to stay on the boat overnight and it looks really cool from the pictures! Apparently there are sometimes jellyfish, so I'm a bit scared about getting in the water. I'm sure I will though, the water looks aqua blue in pictures I've seen. We get back at 4pm the next day and then get on a night bus to Hoi An at 6pm. Vietnam is a bit rushed as we stayed so long in Vang Vieng.

Saturday 3 September 2011

Goodbye Laos, Hello Vietnam!

Such a good time in Vang Vieng (aside from a minor incident with a dog)! Said goodbye to everyone we met there, was sad to leave (think I'll be back one day) but reckon Vietnam is going to be good. Here is an account of our epic journey from Laos to Vietnam:

1pm: Picked up by a tuk tuk, about 10 of us crammed in with our backpacks. Taken to bus station.

1.51pm: Sitting in our 'VIP bus' , alot better than the last one we had, looking promising.

5.30pm: Arrived in Vientianne. This time yesterday  I was sat by the river drinking Laos' speciality Tiger Whisky.

6.00pm: Waiting in bus station for next bus.

6.15pm: Off we go in another tuk tuk, definately not enoughroom for all 14 of us.

7.00pm: In our 'VIP bus' not actually that bad, soooo glad we paid extra for the privilege of being able to lie down. Glad i'm short, the beds just about the right length for me. They just turned off the lights and it's only 7pm, think i'm going to struggle to read my magazine! People in front of us taking valium, everyone seems to take it on the bus journeys here.

7.23pm: Some awful dance competition been put on the tv, just what I wanted to listen to!!

9.25pm: Raining heavily! Bus leaking slightly. Gecko at the back of bus. Made a stop off and got some rice, courgette and omlette.

10.51pm: Just let loads of locals on to the bus, getting crammed!

11.15pm: People talking far louder than necessary.

2.10am: How can someone snore this loudly? Maybe I should have jumped on the valium bandwagon.

2.20am: Arrive at the border, even though it doesn't open for hours.....

6.15am: Music put on. Who on earth wants to listen to this at 6.15am?!

6.45am: Get off bus, get passport checked. Some people considering moving bus because of the noise.

7.15am: Walk 15 minutes across bridge.

7.30am: Waiting around.

8.00am: Put bags through xray, now waiting again.

8.50am: Still waiting..........what are we even waiting for? Huge stick insect being passed around.

9.15am: Finally back on bus!

10.53am: Tv back on. English guy now playing rage against the machine on speakers in protest. Toilet stop but no toilet just an option to pee in the mountains.

11.41am: Ipod out of battery :(

12.28pm: Stop off for lunch. Didn't get one for breakfast. Guy casually smoking a bong as we walk in to the stop off restaraunt. Took me a long time to explain I only wanted tofu with my rice and not a random collection of meats (god knows what they were).

3.13pm: Bum hurtsso much! Hope we are there soon. Now been on the road for over 26 hours.

5.53pm: Still on bus!! (Nearly 29 hours)

6.35pm: Finally arrived in Hanoi, now to find our hostel.....

9.49pm: In our hostel now - the new Hanoi backpackers hostel which alot of people have recommended to us!! Had a yummy veggie burger for dinner. Looks very lively here but far too tired to consider a night out, off to bed now!

A picture of where we sat for 28 hours...... :

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Vang Vieng

Have heard alot of hype about Vang Vieng, many people going around Asia with 'tubing in the Vang Vieng river' t-shirts. So we thought we'd see what all the fuss is about. We planned to stay 2 nights meaning we'd get to go tubing once. Tubing is basically where you go along the river in a rubber ring and stop at the make shift bars along the way. Which I thought would be fun for a day but surely it couldn't be that amazing ... but I was wrong, we have loved it here and have ended up staying 5 nights + have 1 more to go (woops) so will have a couple less nights in Vietnam.

The Laos people are really nice here, they hassle you far less than people in Thailand and it's just a really relaxed place. The crowd are so fun, everyone here looks so happy all the time and the mountaneous view by the river is great! We've spent the last few days with 3 english guys, who are at Exeter uni and the managed to persuade us to stay a little longer. Our accomodation is lush too! Brand new bungalow by the river, wake up every morning to the view of mountains by a river for the bargain price of 4pound each.

You hear alot of horror stories about tubing and I can understand why, it's wet season now and the river is pretty fast, but aslong as you don't drink too much and stay in a group then everyone looks out for eachother!

Last day of tubing today and then on to Vietnam on a 24 hour sleeper bus from here to Hanoi (eurrrghh). Looking forward to Vietnam now but can't believe we have less than 2 weeks left now! We'll be in Hanoi for 2 nights and then will do a Halong Bay boat trip.

A few pictures from the last five days: 

Friday 26 August 2011


Managed to have a full day of sightseeing in Bangkok, as our journey to Laos wasn't until 8pm. First we went to a temple and had a wander down the river. Then we got a tuk tuk to China town and had lunch there and lastly we went to Siam Square, which is a nice area of Bangkok with cute boutiques and a park.

A couple of photos of our day in Bangkok: 

Next we got a train to Loas, which was 1,000,000 times better than the bus! We each had space to sleep and had a pretty good nights sleep so will definately use trains in the future, when we are able to but seeing as Laos has no trains that won't be for a little while.

The train:

We've been in Vientiane for two nights, it's very chilled here, feels more like a peaceful town than a capital city. The traffic seems sooooo much slower and less crazy than Thailand. We looked around some of the shops yesterday and I got a few cheap dvds and a couple of paintings for my wall next year. Then today we went to Buddha park, which is a park full of Buddhist and Hindu sculptures.

Tomorrow we are of to Vang Vieng for two nights, should take about 3 hours to get there. Below is a picture of a very busy shopfront and a picture from Buddha park! 

Monday 22 August 2011

Koh Phi Phi

Koh Phi Phi ..... wow definitely one of my fave places!! (Along with Koh Tao) ... beautiful.

We got a cute little bungalow, for 300 baht between us, which is about 3pound50 each a night! Although I did pay the price for this with millions of mosquito bites. Was 1 minute from the beach and right in the centre of all the restaraunts etc. We planned to stay 2 nights but decided to stay 3.

First day was spent on the beach, where we happened to bump in to some German girls we met in Koh Phangan and that night we went out with them. Good bars all along the beach. Next night we had an early night as we got up early for a boat trip, costing around 8pound for the whole day. We went to many different bays (including maya bay where the film the beach was filmed) and got to snorkel in lots of different places.

Unfortunately when uplaoding some photos in an internet cafe I lost all my pictures from the last few days (so of Koh Phi Phi) but luckily Michelle took some, and it could be alot worse, could have lost them all! Is quite upsetting though as had some really good ones from the boat of the aqua blue waters and sunset from the boat.

Last night we got a bus back to Bangkok, which was long and uncomfortable! We're in Bangkok for one night and then hopefully travelling to Laos tomorrow (not looking forward to another bus journey) but is quite cool to be back in Bangkok as we both like it here! Also excited to be going to Laos tomorrow! A whole new country to explore!

Our bungalow in Koh Phi Phi and a photo of the CLEAR blue waters:

Wednesday 17 August 2011

KohPhangan / Phuket

On our last day in Koh Phangan we went to a nicer beach on the other side of the island and out for dinner with the two girls in our dorm that we went to full moon with. It was a nice day and nice to chat to go out for the day in a group. Our journey to Phuket was pretty hot but it was fine. Wasn't sure how much I would like Phuket as a few people have said it's not much to write home about, but I've actually really enjoyed it. We've done alot of beaching recently so decided to stay in Phuket town, rather than the beach. Phuket is huge so hardly feels like an island. Last night there was some some sort of celebration and market going on outside our hostel, and very few tourists around, so that was interesting to see. Today we went on a '6 in 1' safari. I was really excited about the elephant trek before we went but honestly I probably wouldn't do it again. It was fun to see and feed the elephants but I just felt the whole thing was a bit cruel. After than we went to canoeing, to a waterfall and to a gibbon sanctuary, so the second half of the day was really good. Have got lots of nice pictures from today. Off out for dinner now! We leave for Koh Phi Phi tomorrow morning at 10am, and it should only take a few hours.

Sunday 14 August 2011

Koh Samui / Koh Phangan

On our second day in Koh Samui we went to see the Big Buddha, which was pretty impressive in size! Then we got our ferry to Koh Phangan. We're here for four nights, staying a little away from where all the partying goes on, our hostel is nice and clean. We went out the first night and then we went out again last night for the full moon party. I have to say the first night was probably better than the full moon itself. Koh Phangan is a fun place to be around the full moon but the actual party has a few too many people for my liking and the music wasn't brilliant, but it was still an experience! When else would you go to a beach party with 1OOO's of people, so I'm still glad we went! The company was good too, we went with two english girls and two german girls, so it was fun to chat to them. Today I think we're just going to head to the beach as haven't woken up too early! But hopefully will do a bit more with our day tomorrow.

Big Budha in Koh Samui:

Full moon party:

Friday 12 August 2011

Final night in Koh Tao, followed by a night in Koh Samui

We managed to find a cheap dorm room to stay in a lively part of Koh Tao, so was good that we got to see more than one area in the end. We went to some bars and shell played beer pong. Very touristy but fun anyway!
Now we are in Koh Samui for one night, just had a thai green curry for lunch and am now heading to the beach. Will go and see the Big Buddha tomorrow morning and then we have a ferry booked for 3pm tomorrow to Koh Phangan.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Koh Tao

Journey from Bankok to Koh Tao was not fun .. long bus journey, followed by a four hour wait between 3am and 7am at a boat port and then a boat. But it was worth it in the end!! We decided to stay in a quiet part of the island (Tanoa bay) as we felt like a rest after the hustle and bustle of Bangkok. We got a taxi part of the way, had to sit on the back of a four wheel drive and hold on for my life while I was driven up and down bumpy roads. Then we had to trek for about half an hour through a forest, down steep hills.... remembered quite quickly why I never signed up duke of edinborough or world challenge!! But then we arrived .......
It was a beautiful forest area, with a beach at the bottom, with a couple of restaraunts and 2 bars. The cheapest accomodation we could find was a bungalow for 700 baht, about 15pound for both of us a night, slightly over budget, but for a bungalow in a secluded area its not bad! The first day I was exhausted so mainly slept and then went for dinner, where I had a nice thai coconut vegetable soup. Then yesterday we spent the day on the beach and went snorkelling. Koh Tao is famous for snorkelling and diving, we are both to chicken to dive but snorkelling was amaze! There were so many different types of brightly coloured fish! Then we went for dinner, followed by a cocktail on the beach.
Today we had been planning to go to Koh Samui, but have just arrived at the port and the ferry is booked for this afternoon! So we have booked it for tomorrow morning at 10am. Now off we go to find some accomodation for one more night in Koh Tao ..........

Photos from Koh Tao:

Monday 8 August 2011


It's our last day in Bangkok (for now anyway) and we are off to Koh Tao tonight. Getting a bus and then an express boat. Leaving at 6pm and get to Koh Tao at about 10.30am tomorrow morning. Hoping to do some snorkelling there! Have enjoyed Bangkok alot more than I thought I would. Yesterday we jumped in a tuk tuk and went to the Grand Palace, arrived too late to go inside, but was pretty impressive from the outside anyway! Then we wandered around a market and I got a tarot card reading (apparently I'm going to make lots of money when I'm older). There were lots of celebrations going on for the queens birthday, which is on the 12th. We got hair braids (like I used to get when I was about 10) and big baggy, bright trousers, so we look like proper travellers now - ha. Shell is thinking of getting her hair braided later today. Night life is good here too, spent last night chatting to some American guys, went to a roof top bar and a reggae bar. Will try to update again soon!

One of our first tuk tuk rides:

Friday 5 August 2011

Leaving today !!!

Today has finally arrived, it has come round quicker than expected! Our flight leaves at 11.15pm ..... such a mix of emotions! Have pre-booked our accomodation for the first two nights in Bangkok! (At £3.79 a night I hope its ok!) We'll be staying right in the backpacker district, just off the famous Khao san road. Only really have one full day and then another half day in Bangkok so won't get to see too much of it, but will be there again at the end of the trip too. Will probably just spend our time getting used to the culture, and wondering around a few shops! If we have time to go then the Golden Palace looks good. Bye for now, next time I update on here who knows where I could be! Will try to update whenever I manage to get on the internet.

Me and Michelle at the airport:

Thursday 28 July 2011

8 days !

Had a fab week in Rhodes. Now 1 week tomorrow until Asia - crazy stuff !

Sunday 3 July 2011


Come friday it will be four weeks until we go !! 

As I have another holiday booked though with 5 of my friends to Rhodes on the 20th to the 27th of August and only about 10 days inbetween the two trips (bit of a greedy summer I know! but one hell of a good one eh?) ...  I want to be pretty much organised for travelling before I go on that holdiay.

Feeling alot more organised now. We have decided on Laos instead of Cambodia. Cambodia will have to be saved for another trip. Heard yesterday that there is some flooding in Laos at the moment but as we won't be there till mid August I'm hoping it will be settled by then. Have done lots of reading on Laos and it sounds beautiful (particularly Luang Prabang) and perhaps less touristy than some other areas of S E Asia.

We've made an itinerary of where we want to go and how many nights we want to stay in each place, but it is definitely open to change when we are there!! At present the plan is something along the lines of:  Thailand (Bangkok, Ko Tao, Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, Phuket and Ko Phi Phi) decided we probably don't have time for chiang mai now, then on to Laos (Viang Vien, Vientiane and Luang Prabang) and lastly Vietnam (Hanoi, Halong bay boat trip, Hoi An, Nha Trang and Ho Chi Minh city), then flying from Ho Chi Minh back to Bangkok and staying there for 2 nights before going home.

I have started buying, borrowing, gathering some of the essentials I need for my trip, such as a mosquito net and I finally found a maxi dress that is the right length for me, which I think will be good for temples etc. as my legs will be covered.

We have also booked a few things: accomodation for our first 2 nights in Bangkok (£3.79 per night :O ), 4 nights accomodation in Koh Phangan for the August full moon party that we plan to go to, as have heard it gets very booked up around this time! and our flight from Ho Chi Minh city back to Bangkok for when we fly home and lastly our 2 nights accomodation in Bangkok before we fly home on the 14th of September (we splashed out at £12.50 per night and get a pool and a nice hotel near the airport for this, funny how when travelling in Europe that would have been cheap accomodation!) Pretty much everything else we are planning on booking when we are out there.

Anyway not that long to go now, getting very excited and also a little nervous ....

Sunday 19 June 2011

Posting from England

Last year I travelled across Europe, firstly I travelled with two friends and then with my sister. I thoroughly enjoyed this experience, Amsterdam, Budapest and Split / Dubrovnik in Croatia being personal highlights. Below are two pictures from my European travels (when my backpacking addiction began!)

This year I decided I was ready to go further afield and experience something completely different.
On the 5th of August (around six and a half weeks away) I am jetting off to South East Asia with one of my closest pals, Michelle. We are still trying to finalise our route as there is quite alot we want to pack in to our five and half weeks in Asia. We hope to visit the north of Thailand, in particular we are keen on doing an elephant trek in Chaing mai and also the south of Thailand (including the many islands - Koh Phangan, Koh Samui, Koh Tao and Koh Phi Phi). We are also planning on travelling through Vietnam, going either from Hanoi down to Ho Chi Minh city or the other way around, making sure we stop at some exciting places along the way. We plan to spend around two and a half weeks in Thailand and two weeks in Vietnam, this leaves us with about a week to travel through Laos or Cambodia. Originally I was keen on going through Cambodia, but having been told by many people that "we must go to Laos" we are now considering Laos instead.

While researching for my trip I found myself reading many peoples blogs online about their South East Asian adventures and found this very enjoyable. I have decided to write a blog as I go along my travels, mostly for myself. I can print off my entries when I return and have a personal record of my travels. Seems like a better idea than dragging around a journal with me. I realise that there are only a few people that will be interested in reading my blog as I go along, but I think it will be nice for those few people to know what I am up to, if I have time and can work out how to then I may be able to share some photos along the way too.

Ciao for now..... six and a half weeks and counting ......... :)